Ever since the invention of generators, diesel generators have ruled the markets as well as the minds and hearts of generator owners. And, why not? Diesel has always been readily available, reasonably priced, and more importantly burns with great efficiency. However, the fuel of choice for generators is experiencing a shift these days, and for some very compelling reasons. Yes, you guessed it right. It is the Natural Gas Generators that are slowly yet surely capturing the minds of business owners across the board. 

So, what changed? Why are natural gas generators getting so much prominence? Well, that’s precisely what we are going to discuss here! Some of the aspects where natural gas generators simply excel include – 

Ready Availability 

Natural gas production in the United States has witnessed a 60% rise since the year 2008, with the States hitting an all-time high of 101.3 billion cubic feet per day in the year 2018. Today, a network of over 200 pipelines, running over 300,000 miles supply natural gas to every nook and corner of the country. What does all this mean? Well, that natural gas is a readily available fuel, something which industrialists across the nation can depend on for their secondary and in some cases, even primary power needs. Besides, its constant supply via pipelines means that it doesn’t even need to be stored, unlike other fuels such as diesel. 

Also read: Tips on Buying a Used Diesel Generator

Reliability as a Fuel

Did you know? Natural gas has been and will always be more easily accessible as a fuel than diesel! There are some rather sound reasons behind this statement, including –

  • Main lines for natural gas are laid at a depth of 24” beneath the ground, while the service lines for the same are often 18″ deep. This ensures that the natural gas supply remains largely unaffected during weather disruptions or other natural disasters.
  • Unlike diesel, gasoline, or propane, the chances of natural gas being sold out or simply unavailable during emergency situations are close to none; making it far more reliable than other fuel alternatives. 
  • In the event of an extended power outage, a diesel generator stands the chance of running out of fuel, especially if there isn’t a larger fuel tank attached to the machine. Since a pipeline is attached to the natural gas generator, the possibility of the fuel running out is little to none.  
Natural gas generator


The initial outlay needed for natural gas gensets may prove to be a costly affair, especially if new gas pipelines are to be installed. Moreover, over the course of time, natural gas generators do require more upkeep as compared to their diesel counterparts. That said, the cost of natural gas required to produce a certain electrical output is less than half of the cost of diesel required to produce the same electrical output. Since this brings down the running cost of natural gas generators down by a significant amount, the other expenses can be easily defrayed over the long term.


When compared to diesel generators, natural gas generators produce only half the amount of toxic gases including sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and carbon dioxide. Moreover, the production of mercury and coal particles as a byproduct is also fairly low. What’s more? Natural gas generators produce only 10% of the emissions as against their diesel counterparts. Furthermore, the use of advanced natural gas generators can help use raw gas to power equipment and machinery, thereby further reducing the overall cost of power supply. 

Ease of Doing Business

The emissions produced by natural gas are rather negligible, which is why most local authorities want to encourage industrialists to adopt this fossil fuel for powering their setups. To this end, there are fewer restrictions and rather flexible standards in place, making it far easier to obtain the necessary permits. 


Since natural gas generators ensure a quieter operation and do not exude unpleasant odors, they are highly preferred in industrial setups where these factors are highly sought. The use of these generators helps keep the premises tidy since fuel spill is not a threat, and peaceful thanks to the near-noiseless functioning, much to the liking of the business owners. 

Now that you know all about the astounding benefits of natural gas generators, we are more than sure that you are contemplating purchasing the same for your industrial setup. And if that is the case, then you know exactly who to get in touch with. Yes, none other than Mid America Engine – your one-stop shop for the best-in-class natural gas generators! Our wide selection of new generator sets used generator sets and accessories, will surely be of great use to you and your business.

FAQs about Natural Gas Generators

Can I install my own natural gas standby generator?

Our specialists at Mid-America Engine believe that the installation of a commercial standby generator is a complex job that requires ample training and technical expertise. Hence, it is best left to our team of trained and licensed professionals.

Our setup already has a natural gas meter. What else would we need at the site, before the installation of the natural gas standby generator?

Standby generators need a seamless supply of natural gas. But, that’s not all. The supply needs to be at a specific pressure in order to help the generator function efficiently. Hence, more often than not, your existing natural gas meter would need an upgrade. Of course, before changing anything, our specialists will assess your facility and the meter to analyze if the changes are required and to what extent. 

Will I need a permit to install the generator?

Most likely, yes. If your business premises are located within the city limits, you will have to undergo certain inspections and need some permits as a part of the natural gas standby generator installation.