Diesel generators are famous for their reliability. Generators for sale continues to work under adverse conditions, they provide consistent output, and certainly outlast similar gasoline generators. Diesel generator repair and service is required, however, to assure peak performance and efficiency on a daily basis.

On-Site Maintenance and Professional Service

People using a diesel generator tend to have the tools and knowledge to conduct on-site maintenance. Such knowledge includes checking oil levels, making sure not to let the diesel fuel run out, assuring coolant levels aren’t leaking but staying constant, and understanding glow plugs aren’t the same as the spark plugs used by a gasoline engine. Letting the fuel run out doesn’t necessarily require commercial generator repair service, but the fuel lines have to be bled before the new diesel fuel refill will run through them. That’s the most common problem diesel generators have, the second most common being they aren’t professionally serviced according to schedule.

Also read: Tips on Buying a Used Diesel Generator that Lasts Longer

Conducting Repairs

Diesel generators don’t typically require repairs; they’re a relatively simple design that keeps running regardless of how it is treated. That doesn’t mean they can’t ever break down and require professionally trained technicians to conduct repairs, and it doesn’t mean they work at peak efficiency without having professionals conduct routine maintenance. Without proper oil changes along with replacing oil and air filters and maintaining coolant levels, a diesel generator can use twice as much fuel as needed when compared to the same model which is properly maintained.

Generator repair

Also read: Why Your Used Generator Won’t Start?

A final note is diesel generators need to be cleaned. A simple external pressure washing will reveal if there are any oil or exhaust leaks which need to be addressed. An engineer designed the machine with certain specifics about running at peak efficiency. When those specifications aren’t met, it will still run, but not as economically as intended.

Depending on the needs and budget of a building, a diesel generator might be better purchased new. Used power generators for sale can also provide a great economical solution, when such generators are bought from a reputable source that has thoroughly inspected the machine and assured it’s functioning properly. New or used, the reliable performance and efficiency of a diesel generator requires routine scheduled maintenance.

Check out our latest inventory of diesel generators. Click here.